Verb-particle constructions in a computational grammar of English




In this paper we investigate the phenomenon of verb-particle constructions, discussing their characteristics and the challenges that they present for a computational grammar. We concentrate our discussion on the treatment adopted in a wide-coverage HPSG grammar: the LinGO ERG. Given the constantly growing number of verb-particle combinations, possible ways of extending this treatment are investigated, taking into account the regular patterns found in some productive combinations of verbs and particles. We analyse possible ways of identifying regular patterns using different resources. One possible way to try to capture these is by means of lexical rules, and we discuss the difficulties encountered when adopting such an approach. We also investigate how to restrict the productivity of lexical rules to deal with subregularities and exceptions to the patterns found.




How to Cite

Villavicencio, Aline & Copestake, Ann. 2003. Verb-particle constructions in a computational grammar of English. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 357–371. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2002.18) ( (Accessed March 9, 2025.)