Phrasal typology and the interaction of topicalization, wh-movement and extraposition




Ever since Chomsky's "On Wh-Movement" (Chomsky 1977) it has been assumed that topicalization and wh-question formation can be analyzed as instances of the same operation. Leaving certain features aside, this proposal carries over to the analysis of unbounded dependency constructions in HPSG since structurally, topicalization does not differ from wh-question formation in the analysis suggested in Pollard & Sag (1994: 157-163). In the present paper, we challenge this assumption and suggest an alternative analysis of unbounded dependency constructions. Here, topicalization and wh-question formation are considered as structurally different at least in certain languages. They may, however, be structurally identical in other languages. This difference is empirically reflected in patterns of relative clause extraposition. As has been pointed out by Culicover & Rochemont (1990: 28), an extraposed relative clause must not take an antecedent contained in a VP if the VP is topicalized but the relative clause is not.




How to Cite

Kiss, Tibor. 2003. Phrasal typology and the interaction of topicalization, wh-movement and extraposition. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 109–128. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2002.6) ( (Accessed March 9, 2025.)