Seminumerals, determiners and nouns in English


  • Takafumi Maekawa Ryukoku University



A singular countable noun in English normally requires a determiner and they should agree in number. However, there is a type of noun phrase, such as those thousand teachers, which does not conform to this generalisation. As a subtype of singular countable noun, thousand requires a determiner, but the determiner has number agreement with the head noun teachers. The standard HPSG treatment, in which the determiner requirement and the determiner-noun agreement are both represented in the SPR specifications of the head noun, cannot capture this special agreement pattern. Our analysis, in which the determiner requirement and the determiner-noun agreement are dissociated from each other, can provide a straightforward account of the data.


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How to Cite

Maekawa, Takafumi. 2016. Seminumerals, determiners and nouns in English. Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar 422–441. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2016.22) ( (Accessed March 14, 2025.)