A constraint-based approach to information structure and prosody correspondence


  • Mohammad Haji-Abdolhosseini University of Toronto




This paper provides a constraint-based account of information-prosody correspondence within the HPSG framework. The starting point of the paper is Klein's (2000) account of prosodic constituency in HPSG. However, it departs from the standard syntactocentric architecture of grammar, and adopts a grammar design in which syntax, phonology, and information structure are generated in parallel, with all three applying to a common list of domain objects. It is shown that this theoretical architecture elegantly captures many of the various constraints that have been shown to hold in classical views of grammar.


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How to Cite

Haji-Abdolhosseini, Mohammad. 2003. A constraint-based approach to information structure and prosody correspondence. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 143–162. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2003.9) (https://proceedings.hpsg.xyz/article/view/563) (Accessed February 23, 2025.)