Coordinate ellipsis and apparent non-constituent coordination




Within the tradition of Categorial Grammar, so-called ˋnon-constituent' coordination (ˋargument cluster' coordination and ˋright node raising') has been analyzed in terms of the coordination of nonstandard constituents produced by the operations of type raising and composition. This highly successful research has expanded the domain of data that modern analyses of coordination must take into account. Recent HPSG work by Yatabe (2002) and Crysmann (2003) provides an interesting alternative approach to this problem in terms of the coordination of familiar, but ˋelliptical' constituents. We argue that this approach is empirically superior to the Categorial Grammar analysis, both in terms of empirical coverage and cross-linguistic predictions. We reassess the relevant English data in small but important ways, and develop our own ellipsis analysis, building on Yatabe's and Crysmann's insights.


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How to Cite

Beavers, John & Sag, Ivan A. 2004. Coordinate ellipsis and apparent non-constituent coordination. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 48–69. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2004.3) ( (Accessed March 9, 2025.)