GIDLP: A grammar format for linearization-based HPSG




Linearization-based HPSG theories are widely used for analyzing languages with relatively free constituent order. This paper introduces the Generalized ID/LP (GIDLP) grammar format, which supports a direct encoding of such theories, and discusses key aspects of a parser that makes use of the dominance, precedence, and linearization domain information explicitly encoded in this grammar format. We show that GIDLP grammars avoid the explosion in the number of rules required under a traditional phrase structure analysis of free constituent order. As a result, GIDLP grammars supportmore modular and compact grammar encodings and require fewer edges in parsing.


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How to Cite

Daniels, Michael W. & Meurers, W. Detmar. 2004. GIDLP: A grammar format for linearization-based HPSG. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 93–111. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2004.5) ( (Accessed March 9, 2025.)