Mismatches at the syntax-semantics interface





Recent analyses of mismatches at the syntax-semantics interface investigate e.g. modification of agentive nouns (Larson, 1998), modification of quantifying pronouns (Abney, 1987), or recursive modification (Kasper, to appear). Each of these analyses is tailored to a specific set of data, and it is not immediately obvious how they could be generalised to cover a larger set of data. I propose a unified analysis for these mismatches that attempts to bring out their common ground. This analysis shares some of its basic intuitions with the one of Kasper, but is more general because the mismatches are handled locally in the CONT feature. Its pivot is an elaborate syntax-semantics interface that is based on a surface-oriented syntactic analysis. This analysis generalises easily to the mismatches at the morphology-semantics interface for German separable-prefix verbs that were discussed in (Müller, 2003).


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How to Cite

Egg, Markus. 2004. Mismatches at the syntax-semantics interface. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 119–139. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2004.7) (https://proceedings.hpsg.xyz/article/view/584) (Accessed March 9, 2025.)