A phrase structure approach to argument cluster coordination





It has often been argued that Non-Constituent Coordinations involve ellipsis. Focussing in this paper on so-called 'Argument Cluster Coordination', we provide empirical evidence drawn from French against such elliptical analyses. We then sketch an alternative approach within HPSG, allowing non-standard constituents to be conjoined in the scope of some shared predicate. While such non-standard constituents are generally obtained by relaxing phrase structure, we propose analyzing them as non-headed constructions, deriving their unusual properties from the interplay of two different sets of constraints: those imposed by coordination and those imposed by predicates that select such clusters as arguments.


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How to Cite

Mouret, François. 2006. A phrase structure approach to argument cluster coordination. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 247–267. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2006.14) (https://proceedings.hpsg.xyz/article/view/651) (Accessed July 3, 2024.)