Number agreement in Russian predicates


  • Hyun-Jong Hahm The University of Texas at Austin



Russian shows the mixed agreement with the polite pronoun vy and pluralia tantum nouns, both of which have plural number in form but either singular or plural number in meaning. Two different forms of adjectives – short form and long form – agree in different number with those number mismatch nominals.

I adopted the idea of Siegel (1976) etc. that when a long-form adjective appears in the predicate position, there is always a null head that it modifies, with the HPSG's agreement theory of Wechsler & Zlatic (2003). I propose that all predicates – verbs, SF and LF adjectives – except predicate nominals show CONCORD agreement. LF adjectives show CONC agreement with the null anaphor 'one'. The different number values of LF adjectives results from index agreement between the null anaphor and the subject of the sentence.


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How to Cite

Hahm, Hyun-Jong. 2006. Number agreement in Russian predicates. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 402–420. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2006.22) ( (Accessed July 3, 2024.)