Unexpressed object alternations of Bulgarian verbs in HPSG





This paper proposes a projectionist account of the unexpressed object alternations in HPSG. The approach is based on the two-level mapping mechanism, developed in Manning and Sag (1998) and Sag et al (2003). The proposed analysis keeps identical argument structure values in the lexeme description of both valence alternatives, while different surface valence values are related by a lexical rule.

The HPSG model is applied cross-linguistically to English and Bulgarian. Some Bulgarian-specific traits, such as the limited alternation range and the grammaticalized aspect, related to the formal characteristics of the unexpressed object alternations, are discussed and interpreted within HPSG.


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How to Cite

Venkova, Tzvetomira. 2006. Unexpressed object alternations of Bulgarian verbs in HPSG. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 441–455. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2006.24) (https://proceedings.hpsg.xyz/article/view/661) (Accessed July 3, 2024.)