The family of English cognate object constructions
In the Cognate Object Construction (COC) a typically intransitive verb combines with a postverbal noun phrase whose head noun is morphologically or semantically cognate to the verb. I will argue that English has a family of COCs which consists of four different types. The COCs share common core properties but differ with respect to some of their syntactic and semantic properties. I will capture the ˋˋcognateness'' between the verb and the noun in all COCs by token identities at the level of their lexical semantic contribution. I will use an inheritance hierarchy on lexical rule sorts to model the family relations among the different COC types.
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How to Cite
Sailer, Manfred. 2010. The family of English cognate object constructions. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 191–211. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2010.11) ( (Accessed December 26, 2024.)
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