An analysis of simple and construct-state noun phrases in Modern Standard Arabic


  • Issa S. AlQurashi Taif University



This paper aims to propose an HPSG analysis for simple and construct-state noun phrases in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). To the best of my knowledge, there are no major HPSG analyses of MSA noun phrases (NPs). A parallel phenomenon in Hebrew has been discussed quite extensively in the same framework by Wintner (2000). Most of the discussion will be devoted for the construct-state noun phrase in which the order of the elements within it is NP AP PP. Three different analyses will be outlined within the HPSG framework: the extra complement analysis, the special complement analysis, and the head-adjunct-complement analysis. These analyses will be evaluated and it will be concluded that the last analysis seems to be the best and the most promising approach to Arabic NPs.


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How to Cite

AlQurashi, Issa S. 2015. An analysis of simple and construct-state noun phrases in Modern Standard Arabic. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 6–26. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2015.1) ( (Accessed March 2, 2025.)