Yucatecan control and lexical categories in SBCG





This paper explores the conundrum posed by two different control constructions in Yucatec Maya, a Mayan language spoken by around 800,000 speakers in the Yucatán Peninsula and northern Belize. Basic syntactic structure of the language is introduced, and a general SBCG treatment of control in YM is presented, alongside with an example of motion verbs as control matrices. The unruly case of intransitive subjunctive control, where the controllee appears with an unexpected status (incompletive) and without set-A morphology, is discussed and a proposal to treat it as nominalization is evaluated. The nominalization proposal is rejected based on the following grounds: (1) nominalization tends to attract definitive morphology, which is absent from intransitive subjunctive control constructions, (2) nominalization does not truly explain the lack of set-A morphology if one desires to provide a unified account of set-A morphemes, (3) verbs bereft of otherwise expected set-A morphemes have an independent motivation in the form of agent focus constructions.

The grammar signature is not part of the proceedings but can be downloaded here: grammar signature.


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How to Cite

Dąbkowski, Maksymilian. 2017. Yucatecan control and lexical categories in SBCG. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 162–178. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2017.9) (https://proceedings.hpsg.xyz/article/view/847) (Accessed December 27, 2024.)