The morphology of trapping and climbing in French causatives




In this paper, we shall discuss how the treatment of morphological periphrasis (Vincent & Börjars, 1996; Popova & Spencer, 2013; Bonami, 2015) can be integrated into the framework of Information-based Morphology (IbM; Crysmann & Bonami, 2015), an inferential-realisational theory of inflection couched in terms of typed feature structures.
French verb morphology provides a rich set of synthetic and analytic forms. Among the latter we find the so-called composed tenses (e.g. passé composé) and the near tenses, such as the passé récent (=‘recent past’) and the futur proche (=‘near future’). Recently, we have argued that clitic climbing can equally be understood as morphological periphrasis (Aguila-Multner & Crysmann, 2020a,b; Aguila-Multner, 2023). Thus, the morphosyntax of French verbs provides an ideal testing ground to study the interaction of different periphrastic dependencies, which we shall use to illustrate our treatment of periphrasis in IbM.


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How to Cite

Aguila-Multner, Gabrielle & Crysmann, Berthold. 2025. The morphology of trapping and climbing in French causatives. Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 4–24. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2024.1) ( (Accessed March 29, 2025.)