Sentential specifiers in the Korean clause structure




The Korean double nominative construction exhibits various properties distinguished not only from ordinary subject-object clauses but also from nominative complement constructions. Particularly, the second NP, not the initial NP, triggers the honorific agreement with the verb. I argue that the first NP of the construction is identified as a sentential specifier which exists in addition to the subject (cf. Major subject in Yoon 2004). The sentential specifier can be justified as the characteristic of the topic-prominent language in the sense of Li and Thompson (1976). Specifically I claim that any elements that satisfy the aboutness condition can be the sentential specifier. Finally, I show that HPSG's valence value and an optional lexical rule provides an elegant treatment of the construction; SPR list in a sentence level can be utilized for the sentential specifier (cf. Kim et al. 2007).


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How to Cite

Choi, Incheol. 2012. Sentential specifiers in the Korean clause structure. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar 75–85. (doi:10.21248/hpsg.2012.5) ( (Accessed September 20, 2024.)